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Royal Tern Chick Banding Effort

Partners from all over the coast gathered to band Royal Tern chicks on the dredge spoil island in St. Simon's Sound. We aim to band these chicks before they can fly away, but when their legs are the proper width to hold these bands. 
Virginia Tech led banding efforts before COVID in the summer of 2019, and GA DNR has continued these efforts in 2023. There were1500 unique alpha numeric red bands to be put out. 750 were put out in 2023 and we have plans to put out 750 more in the summer of 2024.
Project's Goal: to look at movement patterns of Royal Terns throughout their annual lifecycle. Our tags have been seen as far south as the country of Panama! 

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The Georgia Shorebird Alliance is a partnership between government, academic, non-government organizations, and private citizens committed to advancing shorebird and seabird conservation in Georgia through collaborative work that identifies and addresses important needs with regard to research, monitoring, management, and education. We welcome anyone to the group with an interest in Georgia's coastal birds. 

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